Friday, May 18, 2007

BEFORE photos

These are the inital photos before starting any work.

The Front Entrance. The Driveway is about 50m long.

Approaching the house and building envelope.


Mary tazawa-Lim said...

Hey! Site looks great!
Did you get my comments from yesterday?

Anyway, I'm going a little bit green too! Had soil mealy bug infestation in one of my pots. Looked up toxicity for ACEPHATE and MALATHION (pesticides usually used) and decided that they were too toxic for my kids, so I've thrown out everything in the pot! Heart breaking but had to be done ;(

Anyway, looking forward to your progress.

Central Coast Sustainable Eco Home said...

... better check up on toxicity of aeroguard... otherwise we might have to use more pyrethrins.. they might be better??? Mealie bugs.. great!

Central Coast Sustainable Eco Home said...

oh, and yes, we got your comments from yesterday but because you sent it as an email link, it was sent just to us and not posted on the blog...