Monday, October 15, 2007

Solar Power Rebate Approved!

Hello all you bloggers!

Sorry about the lack of updates the previous couple of weeks. Workwise we've been getting steadily busier and a couple of weddings to attend to have stalled our house progress somewhat... still, we're now about 2/3 of the way through the painting of the walls and ceilings.

The next 4 weeks should see a lot more progress because I just got told that our application for the remote solar power grant has been approved.. I think we're only the 3rd apllication to be approved under this new grant.

SO, that means that we'll get the full solar system in 4~5 weeks which will cost around $62K but the government will fund $31K of that. hurray!

This weekend we're off to Thredbo for Annette' friend Alison's wedding, so I'm looking forward to that.. I've had a super-busy weekend and a couple of late night, stressful 'DPI Community Information meetings' that I spoke at so I'm very much hanging out for that motel shower and a good unwind!


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