On the house front, we are still plodding along with the painting though it seems like it will never end. We've finished undercoating, the laundry is painted (other than the trims) and 2 ceilings are complete...still plenty more to go. Painting ceilings is not much fun! However, the Dulux EnvirO2 and Aquanamel paints make things much more pleasant as they are relatively odourless and easy to apply. Our ensuite and laundry are now tiled (we will post photos later) and the showerscreen is in. We are waiting on a new toilet from Caroma (see below) called the 'Profile Suite', which should be available in October. It has a hand-washing basin built-in on top of the cistern and uses the hand-washing water to fill the cistern, so the water is effectively used twice (go to http://www.caroma.com.au/ for more info). It costs around $500 and will be available from stores such as Bunnings. sooj says ... "my grandma and grandad have had these for 25 years in their unit in Tokyo... its about time Oz caught up..."
We are quite enjoying actually living on our property now (even though we're in a little caravan) as there's plenty of space and it's quite pleasant pottering around in the morning with lots of different birds going about their morning routines. Sooj recently discovered some Eastern rosellas nesting in a tree hollow and I've been enjoying bird-watching in my own backyard. Apparently (according to the ecological assessment guys who did the initial eco reports on this property about 5yrs ago), there is a large population of ringtail possums here, and there are also antechinus; some koalas were also seen when they did the original assessment. I plan to go spot-lighting soon to have a look for myself!
Must go and have dinner which Sooj has cooked on the barbie. Have a look at the pics below.
Bye for now,

The new Caroma Profile Suite...see http://www.caroma.com.au/ for details.