Its been a while again! July was pretty much a write off on the house front because we went to Byron Bay for a week then I went to Cairns for a conference and Annette went to Jervis Bay with Sarah for a week. Its going to be a busy year ahead... I'm now NSW State representative for the EVA (Equine Veterinarians Australia) so I'll have more things to organise!
Annette is doing well. She's now 26 weeks and has a quite a bump...but with a jumper on, its hard to see!! So far everything is going well.
The house is coming along at a slow but steady the kitchen and bathroom to paint and some pictures and things to hang up!
This past week I've been busy outside again.. We've started making the lab and store rooms in the Carport and the Shed... as with the house, we're recycling walls and timber from the old shed that was left stacked up outside by the previous owners.