The ceiling went in on Friday and the insulation bags were only delivered on Friday afternoon due to a delay, so we spent an hour or so pulling up the bags into the roof cavity. Just as I was preparing to come back down, I found a quicker alternative!! I unbalanced backwards and fell backwards through the ceiling and 3m down onto the masonite floor and landed on the side of my head... my right wrist, shoulder, hip, leg and left side neck is a bit sore too. Annette took me into hospital straight away and xrays and a CT scan on my head were all clear :-)
I don't recommend it. Its not long enough to even enjoy the free-fall experience...
Oh boy, what a shiner!! So that's what they mean by a 'fat face'. Looks like you got run over by a bicycle and then punched in the eye. Hope the pain and bruising has gone down. Just be careful you two while you are being adventurous with machinery, equipment and scaling great heights!! I hope the CT scan at least showed that you had a brain inside your head. That's what my CT showed, so much for all those people who called me 'brainless'. Continue to enjoy your renos and construction BUT TAKE CARE. Anne/Mum
Previous word was typed in by my Chloe (aged 3) all by herself!!! Mary
Damn, that looks so painful!
Hope you're feeling better.
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