Here are some photos of the Walk Against Warming which Sarah and I took part in today. There was a fantastic turn-out, with around 30 000 people joining the walk in Sydney. Apparently there were about 50 000 for Melbourne's walk and thousands more people participated in other walks across Australia. We heard from Bob Brown and Peter Garret who were both welcomed enthusiastically by the crowd. (I was stoked to get such a close-up pic of Peter!) A very well spoken young boy, about 8 years old, also gave a moving speech. Typically, the so-called Federal environment minister, Malcom Turnbull, refused the opportunity to address the people on the day, even though he had been kindly invited to give his point of view. There wasn't even a representative from the Liberal government present, however the Greens, Labour and Democrats were all represented by party members.
Please take a look at the pics. Sarah and I had fun and I'll definitely be turning up for next year's walk too!
Please take a look at the pics. Sarah and I had fun and I'll definitely be turning up for next year's walk too!

Before the walk and speeches.

Greens Senator Bob Brown

Sarah the protestor with placard.

Nettie with placard...pretty appropriate since we're fighting the Korean coal mine project on the Central Coast and Sooj and I are about to get our solar panels so we won't be relying on the horrible stuff.

Good on you!
We went to a wedding on Macquarie street on Sunday night. My friend who picked-up and delivered the wedding cake had an interesting time getting there! The circular cake had a flat bit on the side ; )
Our "self-sufficient" lettus garden finished and I had to buy more lettus yesterday, first time in months! I should have planted another batch ..... I'm slowly learning. Our veg patch has a hard time because the plants have to compete with our little man for soil! He keeps digging the soil out!
Hi Mary,
We will have to borrow Dylan to come and dig in our soil when we prepare the vegie patch!
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